Funny Translations

Drunk German Words

We Germans love our beer – and our language represents that. We found 10 drinking-related German words and translated them into English for you. Their literal translations will be quite unexpected!
Translations Funny

20+ Cute German Words

Did you know that the German word for "lumbago" is "Hexenschuss" which translates to "witch shot"? German is a language full of surprises. We found 20+ cute German words and translated them literally into English for you.
Languages Basic Names

Names of the days of the week and their meaning

In the well-known Sams series of German children's books by Paul Maar, the names of the days of the week play an important role. But what do they actually mean, and where do they come from? And what about the names of the days of the week in other countries?
happy 2019
Seasonal Basic Names

New Year's Eve: Names for the Turn of the Year Worldwide

All over the world the change from the old year to the new is celebrated once a year. But there is more than just New Year's Eve as a name for it: we take a trip around the globe and to the different names that New Year's celebrations bear.
santa claus
Christmas Seasonal

More Than Santa: Various Names of Father Christmas

Depending on the country you live in you may have different holiday traditions. And with different holiday traditions come different names for Father Christmas. Although his name "Santa Claus" may seem overwhelmingly wide-spread: there are many different names around the globe for the bringer of gifts in December which have resulted from different cultural origins. Let's take a look at them!
Naming Basic Names

Geographical naming disputes

Finding a business name is not an easy task, that's out of the question. However, it is even more difficult to find a new name for places or countries. This is because not only taste and legal issues come into play, but also political subtleties must be considered, particularly in crisis areas. So let's take a look at the most interesting geographical names controversies in recent history!
Funny Naming

Funny Wifi Names and Puns

Let's take a look at the funniest, weirdest and most hilarious wifi names we could find on the web! You wouldn't believe how creative people are when naming their wifis: Puns and humorous names, messages for the wifi owner and people who try to log in from outside, references to pop culture and outright insolent passive-aggressive notes. We collected the best names that people came up with.
compose music

Bands which should tour together because of their names

Today we present a list of bands which should definitely tour together because of their names... So how about a tour of Poison, Placebo and The Cure? Phish & Styx? Jack Black and Jack White (sponsored by Jack Daniels)? Or maybe even Jack Johnson and Jon Jackson...? ;)
Acronyms Fantasizer Brainstorm Firstnames

Robot Names - Naming Robots and Androids

NameRobot is a machine which generates names. But what about all these machines which require a name themselves? In today's name-finding blogpost, we take a look at robot names: How are robots named? Are there any similarities or patterns to be found in robot naming? And how creative are robot names? This case study aims to shed light on the robot name. Find out more about naming conventions for robots in science and fiction!

Naming Blog

Naming Topics Sorted by Categories


The best tips & tricks on how to successfully find company names and other business names: How to come up with creative ideas? How to check whether company names are still available? How do you decide on the best name? In this category we write about all these questions concerning the right company and business name.


Find out the dos and don'ts about developing new brand names and product names. What are promising brand naming strategies from planning to the introduction of the name? Learn how to create a brand name that stands out and can become a successful trademark.

add notes

In this category you will find examples of naming companies in all kinds of industries and on various topics. Learn more about rules and trends for names in your industry or profession.


Are you stuck in the naming process? Does the blank page paralyze you? With our naming inspiration techniques, you can fuel your imagination and get your mind going to generate great name ideas.

team spirit

About powerful name generators and naming tools: tools for word inspirations, name generators from acronyms to artificial names and helpful name checks. In this section, we introduce special naming tools in more detail.


Invented words or descriptive names, acronyms or existing words, or simply crazy-associative names: the possibilities for finding a business name are endless. Let's take a look at the most common name types for professional use.


The most important facts about trademark law, registering a business name and everything else you need to know to secure your new name.

status update

What's going on in the naming world? Let's talk about the newest trends, important changes and the most common standards in business and product naming.


There's more than business names and brand names. Let's take a closer look at all kinds of names: geographical names, weekday names, traditional names, children and pet names...
