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Fantasizer Fantasy names Food Languages Letters

Inventing Names From Scratch

There are lots of ways companies get their names. One of the bolder routes to go down when choosing a company name, however, is a fantasy name. Can’t think of anything suitable? Just make something up!
house searching
Languages Fruit names Technology Naming

Brand Naming with Real Word Names

Although many companies use acronyms, portmanteau constructions, or other “artificial” names, there is a remarkably simple method of naming a new business – one that several of the world’s largest companies have used, too.
Anagrams Ideas Funny Naming

Anagrams in Business Names

Whether intended or not, the letters of many well known business names can be rearranged so that new meanings emerge. Boeing can be reordered to make Big One, Pringles Chips becomes Crisp Helpings, DreamWorks is Mad Workers, and Toyota's Camry changes to My Car.

Naming Blog

Naming Topics Sorted by Categories


The best tips & tricks on how to successfully find company names and other business names: How to come up with creative ideas? How to check whether company names are still available? How do you decide on the best name? In this category we write about all these questions concerning the right company and business name.


Find out the dos and don'ts about developing new brand names and product names. What are promising brand naming strategies from planning to the introduction of the name? Learn how to create a brand name that stands out and can become a successful trademark.

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In this category you will find examples of naming companies in all kinds of industries and on various topics. Learn more about rules and trends for names in your industry or profession.


Are you stuck in the naming process? Does the blank page paralyze you? With our naming inspiration techniques, you can fuel your imagination and get your mind going to generate great name ideas.

team spirit

About powerful name generators and naming tools: tools for word inspirations, name generators from acronyms to artificial names and helpful name checks. In this section, we introduce special naming tools in more detail.


Invented words or descriptive names, acronyms or existing words, or simply crazy-associative names: the possibilities for finding a business name are endless. Let's take a look at the most common name types for professional use.


The most important facts about trademark law, registering a business name and everything else you need to know to secure your new name.

status update

What's going on in the naming world? Let's talk about the newest trends, important changes and the most common standards in business and product naming.


There's more than business names and brand names. Let's take a closer look at all kinds of names: geographical names, weekday names, traditional names, children and pet names...
