Name Factory - Generate various names

The Name Factory is the heart of NameRobot. Here is where you will find various intelligent name generators which can generate names based on your keywords. If you were expecting simple random name-generating machines, you were wrong! All NameRobot tools are based on extensive calculations and are programmed to follow linguistic and grammatical rules.

Name generators for company-, project- and product names

All these are useful tools which will help you create perfect company-, project-, and product names. Simply try out all name generators to find your favourite naming tool.

In principle, you can find all kinds of names with the tools from the Name Factory. You can use them to find names for private use, such as first names ir pet names. The Wordshop also offers tools for inspiration and a great first name lexicon.

However, the focus of the Name Factory is finding names for companies, organizations, products, services, projects of all kinds, websites / blogs, and events. You can find a business name for everything under the sun with NameRobot.

What are you waiting for? Start your naming project now!

Try out the tools from the Name Factory right now! Simply register now and start finding your perfect name!

You will find the following tools in the Name Factory:

Quick Tools

Automatically generate three different types of names with the quick tools "Basic Names", "Mixed Names" and "Fancy Names". They work with your collected keywords and create names which are tailor-made for your project, from classic keyword-oriented names to visionary fancy names.

Quick name generators – Generate business names automatically

Generate three different types of names with our three quick name generators Basic Names, Mixed Names and Fancy Names. They work with your keywords and create names automatically which are tailor-made for your project, from classic keyword-oriented names to imaginative or fancy names.

With the quick name generators, you can start finding names straight away. No complicated settings, no prior selection of keywords: Simply click the 'Find' button and get custom-made names for your project. The three tools use the entire arsenal of NameRobot's tools with selected configurations to create the best name ideas.

You will find names like these with the quick name generators:

  • Basic Names: keyword-oriented names, e.g. SpiritAmigo, FunStuff, Spiritissimo or FeelDeal
  • Mixed Names: half descriptive, half invented names, e.g. Telligo, Solicity, Perfectato, Workedia or Moviva
  • Fancy Names:  smart fantasy names, e.g. Ucami, Jacovo, Drysor or Zamara

How is that possible?

In order to find the best results, you need to have a well-filled Word Depot that contains relevant keywords. The quick name generators use the content of your Word Depot and use it as input for the NameRobot's name generators and databases. This is how your keywords are converted to truly astonishing business names. 

Because they are so easy to use, the three quick name generators Basic Names, Mixed Names, and Fancy Names are the perfect introduction to the naming process and are suited to all kinds of projects where a name has to be found fast. So it is less about perfection and more about practicality and speed.

If you've whetted your appetite with the quick name generators, you can move on to the other tools in the Name Factory - from Acronyms to Fantasizer. Here you have a more precise influence on the kind of results and can better control the resulting names.

Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call up the Quick Name Generator Tool there or test the Quick Name Generator Random or the Creative Name Generator.

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If you are looking for a classic style name just like the well-known companies, Acronyms is your tool of choice. It combines your keywords to different kinds of abbreviations. An acronym name allows you to place all important keywords in your name.

Acronyms - Find abbreviations and acronyms

The acronyms tool uses the first few letters of your keywords and combines them in different ways. many global companies operate successfully under a name which is an acronym or an abbreviation.

Generate names quickly through abbreviating

The Acronyms tool from the Name Factory creates abbreviations from your keywords that can be used as business or trademark names. Depending on your settings, the letters combined are either the first characters, the first two characters or the first syllable of each word. You will get various types of results with the Random Mix option.

Use this NameRobot tool to see if your name or keywords can be turned into original, melodic acronyms. The advantage: Your name sounds like an invented name, but still contains meaningful elements.

Another approach is to specifically search for abbreviations which in turn carry their own meaning. For example, the name of the entry-level programming language BASIC* stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

Examples for acronyms in company names


Many well-known company and brand names are acronyms or abbreviations. The names of the following companies are abbreviations, for example:


  • AMD: Advanced Micro Devices*
  • SNK: Shin Nihon Kikaku*
  • Texaco: Texas Company*
  • Toshiba: Tokyo Denki + Shibaura Seisaku-sho*

Test the Acronyms tool now - for free!

Give NameRobot's Acronyms tool a try and test it for free. You can perform up to five checks with the tool to see how it works.

Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call the shortener tool there or test the words shortener tool here.


*The names mentioned above are registered trademarks. They were not developed with NameRobot and merely serve as well-known examples to illustrate certain kinds of names.

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You want a name that is descriptive and yet special? The Supplementer uses your keywords and embellishes them - with handpicked prefixes and suffixes or interesting words, according to your wishes. The only thing you need to do: Select the most beautiful name suggestions.

Supplementer - Use keywords to find quick name suggestions

Supplement your keywords from the Word Depot with new words or interesting affixes to create original and unique names. Ideal if you have one main topic you want to convey.

Add prefixes and suffixes to your keyword

The Supplementer allows you to create names which contain your most relevant keyword and transforms them into real names. They still carry a certain meaning, but they are also unique and indistinguishable.

With the help of the Supplementer tool, the term flowers for example is transformed into a strong "Flower Hero" or the feminine "Flowerina". The words and syllables are not only appended to the original keyword, but the sound structure is also altered in a way that the result is as melodic as possible.

Test the Supplementer tool now - for free!

Give NameRobot's Supplementer a try and test it for free. You can perform up to five checks with the tool to see how it works.

Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call up the supplement tool there or test the words supplement tool.

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A name that makes clear what it stands for: Combined names are often an elegant solution to communicate benefits, features, or the USP. You think trying all possible combinations of keywords is too complicated? Not with the Combinator! It gives you a quick overview of the best word combinations.

Combinator - Combine keywords with each other

The combinator tool combines two words into one single new word. Which might sounds easy enough, but only with the megapowerful computing muscle of the Combinator will you get an overview of every imaginable combination... There are over 200 possible combinations for an input of only ten keywords!

Combine keywords into new names

Bend the Combinator to your will: tell it whether it should just connect the words without changing their structure, or if it should take grammar rules into account. If you decide for the second setting, it will take the keywords' languages' grammar rules into account: e.g. it will automatically combine the keywords wonderful and works to "WonderWorks" instead of "WonderfulWorks".

Test the Combinator tool now - for free!

Give NameRobot's Combinator a try and test it for free. You can perform up to five checks with the tool to see how it works.

Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call the combinator tool there or test the words combining tool.

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The Merger is a universal tool for anyone looking for a clever name: It does the tedious work of merging words at appropriate positions in no time. It finds pun names and makes sure to test all possible combinations. Merged words are clevitty and originice. ;)

Merger - Merge keywords into new names

A name that consists of two (or more) merged keywords is called a portmanteau word. It is one of the smartest methods to generate corporate and brand names. With the Merger, you can find these hidden gems in your naming projects' keywords with little effort.

Similar to the Combinator, the Merger also combines words with each other to generate new names. The important difference being that, depending on your settings, the Merger tool will detect similarities in your keywords and delete particular components of the words, coming up with a range of portmanteau suggestions.

Automatically generate portmanteau words


In the settings of the word merger tool, you can decide how exactly your keywords are to be merged. The number of merged words and the maximum length of a result can be set here as well.

Twin Finder - portmanteau generator


With the Twin Finder setting, the Merger will look for identical letters or letter combinations in two or more words and combine them where they are identical, resulting in portmanteau words. Use the"merge only with 2 identical letters" option for best results..


If you merge winter and internet, you get Winternet; if you merge British and fitness, you get Britness.

Syllable Mixer - rearranges syllables into new names


This setting does just what it says on the tin: the tool cuts all keywords into syllables and arranges some of them to new words. If you enter senator and villa, you may end up with a result like Sevilla.

Letter-mucher - merged words generator


The letter-muncher systematically removes certain letters and then merges the keywords. If you take workout and yoga you will get results like Yorkout. Maybe a name for a fitness center in an English city or in the Big Apple?

By the way: while the Combinator finds approximately 200 combinations with an input of ten keywords, the Merger may provide you with several thousand different results, all made possible by the various settings this name generator offers.

Test the Merger tool now - for free!

Give NameRobot's Merger a try and test it for free. You can perform up to five checks with the tool to see how it works. Enter 2 to 4  words, e.g. group and coupon. Does one of the results seem familiar?

Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call the Merger Tool there or test the Words Merger Tool here.

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The basic frame of your name is set, but you're still not convinced 100%? Carve out the best of your name idea with the Modulizer and turn it into a true name. This tool is particularly suitable for the changing fantasy names which still lack the finishing touches. You can also use it on oridinary words to conjure surprising new names.

Modulizer - Polish your name ideas

The Modulizer is a tool for professional name-finders to give name ideas the perfect finish. It is especially good at polishing invented words and turn them into real names. You can also apply it to descriptive terms like marketing to change them into something unique.

A naming tool different from the others

The Modulizer is a little different from the other tools of in the Name Factory: Unlike Supplementer, Merger & Co., it doesn't provide automatic name suggestions, but rather offers various functionalities to modify existing keywords by varying, shortening and extending.

The Modulizer works on the letters of a word and allows you to edit names ideas in detail. You can mark certain letters of a word and 'vary' them. This means: Marked vowels are replaced with other vowels, while consonants are replaced with other consonants. This changes your name ideas in a systematic manner until you find something you like.

Find a name with the Modulizer

Let's look at an example with the word marketing - e.g. as a name for an advertising agency. First, we change the "M" to a "T" and get "Tarketing". If we now change the "K" to a "G", we get "Targeting". As a next step, we can further modulate "Targeting" and let the tool vary the "I". Now we get a result like "Targetong" which still sounds a little weird, but leads us to the idea of deleting the last two characters, leaving us with "Targeto"!

For two minutes work, that's already a pretty decent name for an advertising agency. Perhaps it would sound even better with another "N" after the "E". "Targento"! Hey, that sounds kinda nice, doesn't it?

I don't think we need to tell you what you just witnessed here: we created a custom-made name in a matter of minutes. And if you are still not happy with it, you can just keep altering it until you are...


Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call the modulator tool there or test the words transformer tool here.


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Finding a name that is a purely made-up word and carries no meaning is not easy. The Fantasizer finds great sounding fantasy names, without having to develop nonsense syllables first. Simply pick out the best suggestions which the tool offers completely without any input. A fantasy name is especially suitable for cool startups and projects.

Fantasizer - Find fantasy names without keywords

A naming machine that automatically creates names without user input? The Fantasizer invents new words you will never have heard before.

Who knows, maybe one of these fantasy words will be so ingenious that you'll want to choose it as a name for your project? It will be a unique name, after all.

Invent beautiful fantasy names

The Fantasizer is especially suitable if you are looking for a fantasy name which should either be neutral, special or a little crazy, but does not have to carry a specific meaning. The tool can provide you with non-existent or unknown words, e.g. Antara*, Syoss*, Viagra*, Kijiji*...

Use the Fantasizer settings to determine how exceptional and weird the resulting names should sound. You can decide if you'd raher like a universal name which can be used anywhere, or if you're looking for special names with more exotic rules. If you want certain letters to be included in your name suggestions (e.g. your initials), you can also specify them.

What's the logic behind the Fantasizer?

Due to the complexities of defining allowable sound combinations, the underlying functions of the Fantasizer are just as complicated as its user interface is simple.

The phonetic skill of the fantasizing tool algorithms mean that you can be sure that you will never encounter a result like Zfondb, whereas you might very well be presented a term like Zefona.

Test the Fantasizer tool now - for free!

Give NameRobot's fantasy name generator a try and test it for free. You can perform up to five checks with the tool to see how it works.

Either go to the convenient NameRobot Toolbox and call up the fantasiser tool there or test the fantasy name generator here.


*The names mentioned above are registered trademarks. They were not developed with NameRobot and merely serve as well-known examples to illustrate certain kinds of names.

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Hidden Words

Check if your name ideas contain other words and find out if the terms are associated with negative or positive emotions - at a glance! "Hidden words" also finds bad words in different languages.

Hidden Words - Which words does my name contain?

Check if your name ideas contain other words and find out if the terms are associated with negative or positive emotions - at a glance! 'Hidden words' also finds bad words in different languages.

'Avianus' seems like a decent name idea at first glance, but wait, it contains the word anus. We nearly overlooked that. Thankfully, we were careful enough to take a second look at this name! With the Hidden Words tool, you can find out if your name idea contains words or terms which you might have missed.

The tool does not only find bad words in English but also in German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Dutch!

Either go to the comfortable NameRobot Toolbox and call the Hidden Words Tool there or test the Hidden Words Tool here.

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